Someday, the altered art you make today will be
old, faded, falling apart, and someone else will salvage the bits and use them
in new altered art.It's the best that any piece of art can hope for

~ anon~

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Friday, 29 March 2013

Spring Hasn't Sprung...

So my Green Man is still feeling a bit autumnal! Regular visitors to my blog will know I have a bit of a penchant for Green Men - usually you only see their head - well they do have bodies!

I have had a bit of a rocky start to The Book of Ruination course I am doing with Andy Skinner - the technique he is teaching is great but I didn't know where I wanted to take it - my first attempt was on a wooden box where I did the base layer but then I became well and truly stuck at what to do next, so that was cast to one side and I cast my eyes around my stash in the garage to find something that inspired me

I picked up a few of these plastic torsos from my local scrapbox store for 50p each a while ago and like a lot of things in my stash they were put aside until 'the right time' 
This I think was the right time!

The store also had some test-tubes for sale , which make a wonderful specimen vase for a single rose - though I will make something that can sit in there when I don't have any fresh flowers 

The leaves on his left shoulder were some diecuts I picked up (again from the store) that had been cut in the most garish colours you can imagine - who cares when you are going to paint over them?

The autumn leaves were cut from old tomato paste tubes - as well as recycling I refuse to use my precious metal sheets on something that will be painted within an inch of its life. 

And a lesson in never throwing anything out.. I found some skeleton leaves that I bought when I started making cards - never used them, kept them and hey presto they good great here.. you may be able to spy them on the right hand side 

Now - HANDS UP who was thinking of making a rude comment about the 'broomstick' propping him up? Its actually our Heath Robinson welly boot holder outside the back door!

I may as well share a couple of snaps of the 'book' I started, it lives in hope of being added to but I doubt it ever will be - I'm a bit tired of skeletons, freaky, steampunk which I think this technique naturally does lean towards, after going off at a tangent and picking up a hook, my Rhino just made my heart sing and I realised that although I like most things I make a lot just wasn't making me smile and chuckle - we all need a chuckle a day !

But Arnold my Green Man makes me smile, so all is good in the world 


  1. Arnold makes me smile too..he"s wonderful, and I love your reasoning behind the tomato paste tubes..and they make the perfect mouldable basis dont they, really great idea! Interesting that you're finished for a bit with the old scarey skellingotn steampunky stuff...welcome your new likes and `i bet they'll blend seamlessley!

  2. Reading your blog for the 1st time and loving your Green Man fetish! I'm also very fond of them. This piece of yours is wonderful!
    Minerva ~

  3. Well yes I was wondering about the Broomstick the minute I saw it LOL
    but that aside your Green man is wonderful and my type of Guy !
    Much as I like others steampunky stuff I dont think I have ever got into it I am too flowery LOL which gets me thinking about your book it could do with some Hessian and tull mixed Flowers LOL sorry !
    Luvs ya xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Love the torso and I also agree about tomato paste tubes, they are the best....just wish I could find a good source!


  5. Would seriously LOVE to know how you did tgat texture! I love it !

    Jackie x

  6. This is fantastic! I love it,

    Lucy x

  7. Gorgeous and beautiful torso Nicks
    Great details and colors

    Greetings Janny

  8. Hi, found you by accident just now and love your Steampunky stuff but how did you get that lovely texture on your man, it looks like something that has been heated up and shrivelled, gorgeous.
    Angela x

    1. Hi, that is a holey fabric I got from a floristry supplier, but you can get a similar effect by painting the surface (you would have to prime it with gesso or something first) with a thickish layer of copydex and when it is virtually dry rub it carefully with your finger to produce holes.
      Hth x

  9. I love how you repurposed everyday items to create your unique green man.


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