Join my DD and I on our wrecking journey!! We are rather scared/nervous/apprehensive of starting...... will we be brave enough to complete it??
January 3rd 2011
January 2nd 2011
New Years Day 2011
30/12/10 well we have started!!
pick it up without using your hands - it now has teeth marks..
sudden destructive movement.... mine is now torn, I must try not to be sad!!
self explanatory .... top one mine, second George's
and again... but this time G is first and then mine
now this was scary! Ed was george's friend and Matt was mine!
(i didn't look - honest, but was tempted when Matt went to get a lighter!!)
These images are so cool. I greatly admire anyone who does art journaling. I may do art professionally, but in all honesty, I think the *true* artists in this world are art journalists. The images they create are so raw, creative, talented, wild, random, expressive and just downright amazing. Even with my 'profressional' skills, I can't do what even this young thirteen year old I found on youtube does.