Someday, the altered art you make today will be
old, faded, falling apart, and someone else will salvage the bits and use them
in new altered art.It's the best that any piece of art can hope for

~ anon~

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Wednesday, 16 June 2010


WWOMWITTAS - Julia will be expelling me from WOYWW if I keep messing about with her acronyms but I came across some old photos today, so this weeks offering is

What Was On My Workdesk In Two Thousand And Six

Blimey I seem to have accumulated alot of stuff in four short years! This view was taken when I had one corner of the room- Matt now has one corner of the room and I have the rest! How times change!
I have just noticed that if you look closely you can see my OH dressed as a woman - now you understand why I keep him stuck in a corner and only let him out at panto-time!

Now you see the stuff directly above the desk? That was my craft stuff and the rest of the shelves was taken up with Matt's stuff..... there has now been a role reversal!
And look at those lovely clean cutting mats, and no paint on the floor!!

Now I feel I really must apologise to my fellow WOYWW'ers. Wednesday is usually/always a really busy day for me and I don't get round to commenting on as many peoples desks as I would like, every week I do try to do better but don't always succeed!

One more thing.. I am a chuffed bunny! I had an email from The Craft Barn after their Extravaganza last weekend to say I have won the Prize Draw of £50 in CB vouchers... Ooooohh more Stash to find a home for - sure I will manage though!

Till next week - Toodlepip woyww'ers!


  1. Well aren't you the lucky bunny. Not sure what a chuffed bunny is, but it sounds like it involves a lot of money!! Happy WOYWW.

  2. What a fab and spacious workspace !!

  3. poor hubby hehe. congrats on winning the prize draw :-)
    Anne xx

  4. Great workspace. S x

  5. Nothings changed with Matt then Lol

    I can remember the good ol days too
    but we did need all that stuff sadly I do not have as much room as you Yet !

  6. Hi Nicks

    wow what a lot of stuff you have, great workspace, congratulations on your win hun, nice big spendypoos comming up, have good day, sue,x

  7. Congrats on the prize.
    A x

  8. Too tidy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL


  9. Think of it this way - in four years your appreciation of the finer (ie craft related) things in life has grown and matured!! Under the circumstances seems perfectly reasonable to take over 'his' parts of the room, in fact ask him to vacate the premises and take over completely!!

  10. lol, you sure have a lot of crafty space!
    *hugs* Heather x

  11. It is very tidy, are you sure you use it? A great room lucky you.

  12. I didn't get this acronym, the year foxed me!! My how tides turn - have you pointed out the change to Matt....I have to say that I wouldn't! And Oh paint and fully tidied..was it a brand new space you photo'd?

  13. I don't think I have ever had a craft space as clean as this? spotless - how did you do it?

  14. well done on your win, what a lovely prize. I am glad you have managed to get more space, a little corner is never enough lol

  15. Well done on win - how lucky are you? The hard bit now is to decide what to buy!!
    Fab pics this week!


  16. ohhh, so you're "the" Nicky winner then.... Congratulations!
    It was great to meet you too and nice to meet your tidy desk today (lol)
    I have the same ikea wooden drawers and guess what, the Papersoft jar fit just fine in those ;).
    Talk to you soon,

  17. Well done on your stealthy expansion over the years - well done on your win too :-D

  18. Well done on the £50. I obviously didn't win then!! You don't have to do all the comments on a Wednesday - sometimes takes me several days. Love your desk, I dread to think how I would manage if I still had a husband to fit in here with me!!!!

  19. Hubby looks good in his blue eye shadow!! (if that is him!) The room looks very neat and tidy and you have woobbbbly eyes, I have too and so does Liverpool Lou (Anne) We hide them every week!
    Have a crafty week!

  20. Well done on your win... enjoy the proceeds, I'm sure you'll find space for a little more stash!

  21. What a lovely tidy desk and have fun spending your prize money!

  22. It's always interesting to see pictures of how a room looked before! Or a desk! Patsy from

  23. This made me LOL xx great space hun x

  24. I loved your 'step back in time' theme this week!
    Congratulations on your CB win, don't forget to share some piccies.

  25. Do share pics of your win

    Hugs Can x

  26. Oh Nicky - well done you on winning the voucher!!! Not jealous at all!! Juliexx


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